

SlideShare can be a great tool to promote your business and reach your target market with your amazing PowerPoint presentations. Plus, your audience can review your information at their own Unlimited PowerPoint templates, graphics, videos & courses!

Self BrandingKreativt CvPresentation DesignFotoföretagPeopleStuderaTips  Här följer en slideshare som med stor pensel målar det i stora drag Social Media for Storytellers View more presentations from Lance Weiler. Publicerat den  Här är en videolänk till min egen presentation samt mina bilder på slideshare. Vad jag sade? Det vanliga, möjligen något mindre inlindat. Om du sätter dig själv där ute, är det säkert mycket mer än bara ett CV. Kanske var det den senaste TNW-artikeln, en presentation via Slideshare, eller kanske  Appen för Slideshare har funnits i ett par år, och ger en bra användarupplevelse för att titta på presentationer. Det jag fortfarande saknar är  skrivet i första person och inte som en tråkig cv. Storytelling har en Slideshare presentation kan du lägga till den (tillsammans med video) till sammanfattnings-.

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2018-04-13 Free Presentation Templates for SlideShare. SlideShare is one of the most popular websites to share presentations online and you can use it to showcase your PPT presentations or demonstrate your expertise using PowerPoint presentations that are converted to an online slideshow. Since Linkedin acquired SlideShare for more than $119 millions in The SlideShare Presentation Blog Post Template. SlideShare presentations are a great way to break up the monotony of text with visuals and interactivity. Unlike how-tos and other types of blog posts that call for more elaborate explanation, a blog post containing a SlideShare presentation can allow the slides to do most of the talking.

A resume in PowerPoint is a non-traditional way to present your resume. With a multi-slide presentation, you can convey your credentials more creatively and powerfully. We’re not saying that you need to ditch your traditional resume–you just need a creative addition to complement it.

2018-04-13 Free Presentation Templates for SlideShare. SlideShare is one of the most popular websites to share presentations online and you can use it to showcase your PPT presentations or demonstrate your expertise using PowerPoint presentations that are converted to an online slideshow. Since Linkedin acquired SlideShare for more than $119 millions in The SlideShare Presentation Blog Post Template. SlideShare presentations are a great way to break up the monotony of text with visuals and interactivity.

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• Your CV may be different than someone else. • What’s important is that you keep one up to date. Slideshare Downloader, Download slideshare presentations to PDF and Powerpoint. Online tool to save document in PDF and PPT/PPTX format from slideshare.net for free. 2014-10-02 Resume af mit CV. Du kan finde flere detaljer om mig på:https://dk.linkedin.com/in/heidilykkehttp://heidi-lykke.dk/ We’ve highlighted the top 10 PowerPoint resume presentations on Slideshare below to give you an idea of what you can do to elevate your resume — and land that next gig.

When you are satisfied with the result, share your presentation on SlideShare which is a great way to get yourself discovered.
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In this tutorial, I have showed how to make a clean CV or Resume on PowerPoint. It is really simple and easy. You just need a few minutes to have a great one

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A resume in PowerPoint is a non-traditional way to present your resume. With a multi-slide presentation, you can convey your credentials more creatively and powerfully. We’re not saying that you need to ditch your traditional resume–you just need a creative addition to complement it.

Jan 26, 2018 Tips For Getting Your Visual Resume Noticed.